Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to make cash with your own ebook or kindle

The Bible's Message to Modern Life - Jesus' Principles of Living

How to Make Money Selling Your Own eBook

Many marketeers just give away ebooks willy-nilly from their sites. By adding a bit of scientific thought, and a more targeted approach, these instructions can dramatically improve your cash flow.


  1. Allow other e-zine publishers or web site owners to republish small nuggets or excerpts of information from your ebook with your byline or ad included.
  2. Make extra profits from selling monthly updates of your ebook. You could also back-end sell the extra, never released chapters of your e-book.
  3. Give away a free ebook and then give people an option of buying the paid version of the ebook. Also, let others give away the free version of your ebook.
  4. Divide your ebook content into reports, then give people the option of just purchasing the info they want.
  5. Purchase reprint rights to other people's ebooks and combine them with yours in a large package deal or private ebook library web site.
  6. Change the benefits on your ebook ad copy into links. When people click on it, take them right to the order page. It'll give them the urge to buy your ebook.
  7. Charge people a cheap price to read half of your ebook. If they like it, they can pay full price to read the other half.
  8. Offer freebies that are related to the ebook you're selling. It could be free monthly ebook updates, free e-zine, free consulting, etc.
  9. Show your prospects a sample page out of your ebook. Just black out some of the important info. This will make your prospects curious to buy.
  10. Provide a low and high priced version of your ebook. Show benefits of each version side by side. People usually spend a little more for extra info.
  11. Offer the reprint rights to your ebook. You can sell the rights with the regular purchase price or as a separate higher price.
  12. Make your ebook available for offline people. You could turn it into a print book, report, video, audio book, print newsletter, etc.
  13. Redesign your ebook for specific niches. You can create multiple profits with very little work. Ex: Turn a business ebook into a craft business ebook.
  14. Give your prospects discount coupons on other products when they purchase your ebook. It could be your products or others that you made deals with.
  15. Divide your ebook into online newsletter issues. You could charge a recurring monthly subscription for people to view each issue.


  • Learn from those who are already successful. Also learn how to market correctly and professionaly.


  • Beware of those that might steal your ideas if they are original. Also you must be aware not to spend lots of money on advertising on initial start up. You should constantly test and alter...test and alter.


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to get an eBook for your iPad

How to Put an eBook on an iPad

If you want to put a book on an iPad, you have a few options. eBooks come in several formats and depending on the format of your book, you will find one of the following methods suitable.


ePub Format
ePubs are the open format that the Apple iBook and several other electronic book sellers support.
  1. Put the iBook application on your iPad. This application is available for free in the App Store.
  2. From iTunes on your computer, import the ePub file. Do this in iTunes by selecting File and the Add to Library.
  3. Sync the iPad to your computer. You may need to manually check the book name in iTunes to sync onto your computer from the Books tab.
Kindle Format
Amazon Kindle format is a closed format which is only supported by Amazon products.
  1. Put the Kindle app on your Ipad. You can obtain this application from the App Store.
  2. Purchase a Kindle formatted book on on your computer, or directly into the iPad. If necessary, log into your Amazon account. Head to "Manage My Kindle" and direct the ebook to appear in your iPad's Kindle.
PDF Format
  1. Download one of the many available PDF readers from the App Store.
  2. Follow the directions for that specific PDF reader to read books on your iPad.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Laura was in town with the Obama Diaries.

I totally was not able to make it and I am so ticked!!! The Obama Diaries rock!!!

Read the Obama Diaries on your new Kindle 3G if you don't have one get it now!!!!

This new Kindle is so awesome!!!!! Check it out!!!

I totally need this Kindle, how about you!   Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Obama Diaries Trailer

The Obama Diaries
The Obama Diaries -Shop Amazon

Shop Amazon for the Obama Diaries


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Enjoy reading The Obama Diaries

The Obama Diaries Can you believe that they

The Obama Diaries

Can you believe that they made this book so well! You gotta check this out now.  The Obama Diaries

From Amazon's Editorial Reviews:

Product Description

Also Check The Obama Diaries out for your Kindle  The Obama Diaries

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama. While retrieving her automobile from the underground garage at the Watergate complex (where she had just enjoyed her weekly pedicure), Ingraham discovered a manila envelope on the hood of her car. When she picked it up, a deep baritone voice called out from a nearby stairwell: "Just read it. You’ll know what to do." The shadowy figure then disappeared into the darkness without another word.

The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama, his family, and high-ranking administration officials. Because the "diaries" are so revealing, Ingraham felt compelled to release them to the American public and the citizens of the world.

Major media outlets love to describe the president as "no drama Obama," but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale. Through these "diary entries," readers will see past the carefully constructed Obama faƇade to the administration’s true plans to "remake America."

In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham hilariously skewers the president and his minions. She takes aim at:

•the cynical "razzle-dazzle" marketing of Obama’s radical agenda

•the use of the Obama "brand" and family to obscure Obama’s true aims

•Michelle Obama’s gardening and anti-obesity initiative; and much more.

Informative and hugely entertaining, The Obama Diaries will inspire both laughter and critical thinking about the future of the nation and the man currently at the helm.